Porque duele el cerebro
Porque duele el cerebro

Thus, this research contributes to our understanding of how personal narratives of bodily disruption relate to cultural norms and social ideals, in this case, reaffirming Nicaraguan women's desires for continuity and stability in family relationships. In this way, women's narratives of dolor de cerebro emphasize how somatic forms of suffering are inherently moral experiences, as they bring to the fore “what matters most” in people's lived experience. I argue that, though the sensate physical experience of dolor de cerebro is significant, this pain is meaningful primarily as an embodied expression of the distress women experience as they confront the often-overwhelming circumstances of hardship in their local social worlds. Based on the results of narrative interviews conducted with 12 women, I show how these women situate the pain of dolor de cerebro in relation to their persistent worries about the impact of death, abandonment, and outmigration on personal and family well-being. In this article I present the results of a community-based ethnographic study of the social and cultural meanings of dolor de cerebro (“brainache”), a pain commonly expressed by Nicaraguan women. Proceedings of the African Futures Conference Ese año, el investigador en cardiología, Doctor Jorge Serrador decidió averiguar por qué duele la cabeza al beber algo muy frío, y la explicación es bastante simple.Una habitacin mal ventilada, lo que resulta en la falta de oxgeno. Cambio de temperatura de corte ( sobreenfriamiento o, por el contrario, sobrecalentamiento). PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review Un dolor temporal puede desencadenarse por los siguientes factores: Meteosensibilidad cuando la cabeza est dolorida cuando cambia el clima.Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe.The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology.

porque duele el cerebro porque duele el cerebro

Journal for the Anthropology of North America.General Anthropology Bulletin of the General Anthropology Division.Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference Proceedings.Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment El glaucoma es una enfermedad del nervio ptico, es decir, el cable que transmite la informacin visual del ojo al cerebro.Bulletin of the National Association of Student Anthropologists.

Porque duele el cerebro